Sunday, 14 February 2016

It must be love

Where does love come from? Maybe not a question we ask that often, if at all. As many have displayed their love for their partner over this weekend it is easy to pass over the origin of this amazing emotion.
Yesterday at church we thought of the everlasting love that God gives, a love that is constant, never ending and complete. For Christians this is the source and constant supply of love as we continue to share it with the world. The question that we all need to ask is how we share it. God's love is to be shared and not kept, given and not constraint, as churches we are not always good at doing this and it is so vital to fulfil our Christian living.
What does a fully loving church look like, that is generous with the job of giving out God's love?

Monday, 8 February 2016

What would it look like?

Yesterday, during the sermon, I asked the congregation to think what it would look like if we started again as a church. What if we had no history, no set ways of doing things, or baggage and could start a church together that was effective in the town of Saltash. Would there be differences?
I had responses, more like a family, more concerned with what is 'out there'. These are all good answers and right. But, I believe there is a much deeper response as well.
This may be a strange starting place, but I believe it would mean that rather than Sunday morning being the centre piece of the week, it would be the by-product. That is not to diminish the importance of Sunday worship, but to recognise that out of the ministry we have been doing in the week, in 'being in the community', in serving the needs of others in small groups and in no groups at all, we need a place to join together and celebrate what God has done and it doing.
I think if we would start again, our concern would be less about governance and who was in and out, but more about mission and how we share the love of Christ in the community, not centring ourself in one location (and this is not an argument for not having a building, I still believe one would be needed), but being visible and present throughout the community we are called to.

What would it look like to you?

Monday, 1 February 2016


Loneliness is one of the biggest issues we face. You might disagree, but it seems to rife in our society.
Loneliness in terms of no visitors for the elderly, loneliness in terms of no-one being able to understand you, loneliness in terms of being surrounded by people yet not engaging in any level.
It is sad, yet amazing that the recent deaths of much loved celebrities such as Lemmy, Sting and this weekend Terry Wogan have united people in mourning.
I have to confess that of all of these it was the passing of Wogan that got to me the most. Someone I used to drive with in the mornings, someone who made Eurovision potentially watchable and someone who seemed to be 'Mr Children in Need'. I have never met the man, but yet there was a sadness within me that united me with the other TOG's, TYG's and the rest of those who enjoyed him.
In a fleeting moment you feel less lonely as the world unites, but sadly this is all too fleeting and then we are left to return to our normality.
It was on the morning of Wogan's death I looked out at the congregation here on Sunday and gave thanks for the friendships we share, across ages, across upbringings, across education. We are not perfect and there is still loneliness, but it's a loneliness we face together with Christ as the one who unites us.
It is a unity that does not wait for tragedy or someone else to instigate it, it is there wrapped up in our following of Jesus.